The first decentralized
Solana Logo - SOL Space Rent Solana Cloud Storage Protocol

Use any device with a browser to earn money.
Buy or Sell free space.

Solana Token Address:
Price increase cloud storage frustration
Increased costs of storage for retail users due to rising chip manufacturing and power costs.
Increased costs of storage for retail users due to rising chip manufacturing and power costs.
Security vulnerabilities from prevalent DDoS attacks, hacking, and soon from cheaper quantum computers.
Security vulnerabilities from prevalent DDoS attacks, hacking, and soon from cheaper quantum computers.
Low redundancy and unavailable for more than 1B people, impacting major services and society as a whole.
Low redundancy and unavailable for more than 1B people, impacting major services and society as a whole.


A browser based, quantum-resistant decentralized storage network, available first to the Solana blockchain users. Marketplace coming soon.

SOL Space | Solana Cloud Storage Protocol

Why SOL Space?

Earn money or pay for quantum-resistant
                decentralized cloud storage by leveraging the free space on your devices. Earn money or pay for quantum-resistant decentralized cloud storage by leveraging the free space on your devices.
Cheaper alternative to traditional, centralized, vulnerable and costly cloud storage services. Cheaper retail alternative to traditional, centralized, vulnerable and costly cloud storage services.
Massive amounts of unused disk space across devices worldwide is a gold mine for everyone. Massive amounts of unused disk space across devices worldwide is a gold mine for everyone.

So why waste free space when you can earn money?

We only charge a 1% market fee to continue maintaining the code and continue innovating for years to come.

SOL Space | Solana Cloud Storage Protocol

Opportunity and Simplicity

• Simply connect to the marketplace via a browser with your Solana wallet. No installs.

• Trade free space as a commodity (NFTs) in the Marketplace just like you can trade KW/h, but easier.


SOLRE Tokenomics

To calculate the maximum supply we are pairing each SOLRE token to 1 Terabyte. So we imagined there are 8 billion humans on Terra and we assigned 1 Terabyte for each human as a virtual allocation of storage capacity. That means we will have a max supply of 8 Billion SOLRE tokens that can be divided up to 9 decimal places to represent our 8B max supply versus a potential 8 Zettabytes capacity, to begin with. This adds more power to the deflationary nature of the tokenomics.


1. Private Sale

First funding action is to sponsor the next steps using private funds.
For this, we're selling up to 20% of the total supply through SAFT contracts to early investors.

2. Launchpads Take-off

Raising more capital by launching the SOLRE token with a multiple-launchpads strategy.
Exact dates to be announced soon.

3. SOL Space Marketplace Launch

Using the funds to recruit top developer talents, putting together the best team to deliver the SOL Space market fast, together with all the required integration with the Solana blockchain and to ensure continuous innovation. Epanding to other blockchains after this milestone.

4. Listing on CEX and DEX

We allow everyone to trade the token on CEX and DEX exchanges freely. The market will decide the price, but not the evolution and execution of our development at this point. Good things will come to those who wait. More listings will be made on different exchanges.


Lucian Apetrei Lucian Apetrei

Co-Founder, Engineer

Industry veteran, Web 3 Systems Architect. Lucian is a visionary with over 16 years of experience in Web Research & Development that speaks Creativity & Innovation.

Gabriel Romașcanu Gabriel Romașcanu

Co-Founder, Sales & B2B

With a wealth of experience in Sales and Business Development, Gabriel is able to easily attract a huge network of high value people to any future proof Web 3 Business.

Ashley Parker Dr. Ashley Parker

Physicist, Engineer

Former CERN physicist with extensive software development and leadership experience, now in B2B sales for Web3 startups. Ashley excels in attracting investors through her professional network.